2024年beat365中国唯一官方网站站乐娱城官网“格致•创新”论坛-吴飙 教授

发布日期:2024-03-25 作者:    编辑:夏雪宁    来源:

主讲人:吴飙 教授(北京大学)

题目:Quantum Dynamics: Chaos and Ergodicity





Quantum mechanics is fundamental and classical mechanics is only its approximation. However, many concepts, such as chaos and ergodicity, in quantum dynamics had been discussed and studied by alluding to their classical counterparts. I’ll show that these basic dynamical concepts can be defined within the framework of quantum mechanics. This is necessary because many quantum systems do not have  well defined classical limits. For quantum systems that have, these concepts naturally become their familiar classical counterparts in the semiclassical limit.


吴飙,北京大学博雅特聘教授。1992年在北京师范大学本科毕业;1995年在中国科学院研究生院获得硕士学位;2001年在美国德州大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)获博士学位; 2004年入选中国科学院百人计划”; 2007年获首届香港大学崔琦奖(D. Tsui Fellowship)2008年获国家杰出青年基金; 2014年被聘为教育部长江学者特聘教授。从事凝聚态物理的理论研究,主要方向有量子动力学、量子算法、超冷原子气、几何相位等,发表论文100多篇。