
发布日期:2017-10-23 作者:null    编辑:    来源:beat365中国唯一官方网站站乐娱城官网


报告题目:Metal Oxide Materials by Hydrothermal

Conditions: Structure Diversity, Nanoscale

Chemistry, and Function

报告时间:2017年10月23日 上午10:30


Abstract: Metal oxides with networks of metal-oxygen polyhedral units, MOn, demonstrate a great potential in structural diversity and function, owing to the flexibility of M-O linkages that results in a multitude of topological and geometrical variations. To achieve this goal is still challenging. Hydrothermal reactions allow tuning the configurations and connectivities of polyhedral units, MOnto properties that are essential for design and applications of metal oxides. Here, I would summarize the advances our group has achieved in this regard. We have systematically explored the structure diversity of metal oxides through atomic-scale solution-chemistries. Several phases of metal oxides have been obtained, such as TiO2(rutile, anatase, brookite), BiPO4(high-temperature monoclinic, low-temperature monoclinic, tetragonal). With these phases syntheses, we are able to get insight into the nanoscale chemistry (like the surface hydration) for novel properties which include the advanced catalytic activity, room-temperature ferromagnetism, and electronic conductivities.Synthesis of Brookite TiO2Nanosheets by Hydrothermal Conditions



1997/08- 1999/12,西安交通大学,电子材料研究所,博士后

2000/01- 2001/05,日本东北大学,超临界技术研究中心,非常勤讲师

2001/05- 2004/02,美国杨百翰大学,化学与生化系,博士后



长期从事氧化物材料的可控合成与结构性能关系,在相关领域的研究方面做出了有特色工作,打下坚实基础,形成了自己的知识框架和研究特色。申请者在固体物理,材料科学,固体材料化学等交叉学科具有专业特长,注重晶体结构和电子结构调控。在过去的研究中,申请者突破传统研究方法,利用界面构筑与电子结构调控相结合获得特殊物理化学性质,所使用的方法独特。申请者还从物质的结构入手,开展面向特定性能的可控合成,在相关领域获得阶段性进展和突破,在国际上产生一定影响。被国际同行评价是“发展了Bernard模型”;已申请9项国家发明专利,在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Chem. Mater., Adv. Mater., Chem. Mater.; Chem. Commun., Appl. Phys. Lett.等上发表系列学术论文190余篇,被他人引用5000余次,其中2篇论文被选为Chem. Commun.热点论文和J. Mater. Chem.封面,相关研究结果被www.nanotechweb.org,www.atip.org,www.chemie.de,chemport.ru等国际网站报道和评论。