报告人:Prof. Xixiang Zhang
报告题目:Mobility Fluctuation Induced Giant Linear Magnetoresistance in Multilayered Graphene foam
Positive and near-temperature-independent linear magnetoresistance, as large as 440%, was observed in graphene foam with a three-dimensional flexible network. Careful analysis of its magnetoresistance revealed that Shubnikov-de Hass (SdH) oscillations occurred at low temperatures and decayed with increasing temperature. The average classical mobility derived from the Hall Effect measurement ranged from 300 (2 K) to 150 (300 K)cm2V-1s-1, which is much smaller than that required by the observed SdH oscillations. To understand the mechanism behind the observation, we have performed the same measurements on the micro-sized samples with help of e-beam lithography. Much more pronounced SdH oscillations superimposed on the linear magnetoresistance background are observed in these micro-scaled samples, which corresponds to a quantum mobility as high as. The presence of SdH oscillations actually excludes the possibility that the observed linear magnetoresistance originates from the extreme quantum limit, because it demands all electrons to be in the first Landau level. Instead, we ascribed the large LMR to the second case of the classical Parish and Littlewood (PL) model, in which mobility fluctuation dominates electrical transport.
沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学教授,博士师生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者(2007)。1986年硕士毕业于天津大学,1992年博士毕业于西班牙巴塞罗那大学(Universitat de Barcelona)。1986年至1988年间,于天津大学先后做助教、讲师;1991年至1997年间,于巴塞罗那大学先后做研究员、高级研究员(SeniorResearch scientist);1997年至2008年间,于香港科技大学先后做助理教授、副教授和教授;2008年至今,于沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学先后做Core Labs中心经理、主任和物理科学与工程学部教授。一直以来主要从事磁学与磁性材料研究,发表学术论文超过350篇,被他引用超过11000次,H因子53。获批发明专利11项,其中3项转化为实际应用。受邀做学术报告超过30次。先后获国家自然科学二等奖(2012)、北京市科学技术一等奖(2011)、巴塞罗那大学优秀博士论文奖(1995)、Domingo-Martinez基金奖(1991-1992)、第二届国家发明展银奖(1986)。