
发布日期:2016-07-10 作者:null    编辑:    来源:beat365中国唯一官方网站站乐娱城官网


报告题目:The fine structure of the entanglement entropy in the O(2) model

报 告 人:杨丽平 重庆大学




We compare two calculations of the particle density in the superfluid phase of the classical XY model with a chemical potential $mu$ in 1+1 dimensions.The first relies on exact blocking formulas fromthe Tensor Renormalization Group (TRG) formulation of the transfer matrix. The second is a worm algorithm. We show that the particle number distributions obtained with the two methods agree well. We use the TRG method to calculate the thermal entropy andthe entanglement entropy. We describe the particle density, the two entropies and the topology of the world lines as we increase $mu$ to go across the superfluid phase between the first two Mott insulating phases.For a sufficiently large temporal size, this process reveals an interesting fine structure: the average particle number and the winding number of most of the world lines in the Euclidean time direction increase by one unit at a time. At each step, the thermal entropy develops a peak and the entanglement entropy increases until we reach half-filling and then decreases in a way that approximately mirror the ascent. This suggests an approximate fermionic picture.

