荷兰皇家科学院院士-Utrech大学Andries Meijerink教授学术报告

发布日期:2015-07-11 作者:null    编辑:    来源:beat365中国唯一官方网站站乐娱城官网

应beat365中国唯一官方网站王育华教授邀请,荷兰Utrech大学Andries Meijerink教授将于7月11-16日间来我校访问并面向全校师生及beat365中国唯一官方网站功能与环境材料研究所讲学,敬请关注并欢迎大家参加!

Andries Meijerink教授简介

Andries Meijerink教授是荷兰皇家科学院院士,现任发光学会主席。他在稀土发光材料和光谱学领域做出了突出的贡献。目前主要研究领域为镧系元素化合物的真空紫外光谱、量子剪裁效应以及半导体材料量子点的光学性质,迄今为止,先后在包括Science、Physical Review Letter、Advanced Materials、Angewandte Chemie-International Edition等国际重要学术刊物上,发表相关研究论文300多篇,H-index为62。在其学术生涯中,Andries Meijerink教授获得多个奖项,如the DSM Award for Chemistry and Technology (1989), the Shell Incentive Award (1995), the Gold Medal of the Royal Dutch Chemical Society (1999) and the Centennial Award for Luminescence and Display Materials from the Electrochemical Society (2002).


报告题目:Luminescent Lanthanides: Past, Present and Future

报告时间:2015-07-13 09:30-11:30



Lanthanides are found in luminescent materials now in every home, and light emitted by lanthanides is found at many different places. The unique optical properties of lanthanides has led to technological developments which has promoted the widespread use of these materials. It started in 1963 with the application of Eu3+emission in color TVs and strongly increased with the use of rare earth phosphors in (compact) fluorescent tubes. Presently, rare earth luminescence is applied in a variety of flat displays, white light LEDs, scintillators for medical imaging and homeland security, afterglow materials, laser, fiber amplifiers, anti-counterfeiting labels and more applications, e.g. in solar cells, may emerge.

This presentation will start with a short historical introduction and then discuss the status of the various present applications with an outlook on the future, including new materials for spectral conversion for higher efficiency solar cells and warm white LEDs. The implications of a transition to LED-lighting for the phosphor market will be discussed as well as challenges and limitations for new luminescent materials for white light LEDs, including the holy grail of narrow band red emitters. Finally, new opportunities and challenges in the field of rare earth luminescence will be discussed.


报告题目:Luminescence of lanthanide doped nanocrystals: new systems, old theories and new opportunities

报告时间:2015-07-14 09:30-11:30



The present popularity of everything that involves ‘nano’ is not just a hype. In case of semiconductor and metal nanoparticles new physical and chemical properties arise for sizes in the nanometer regime. This results in fascinating size dependent optical and electrical properties: the particles change color when the size is tuned in the nanometer regime. This presentation will focus on nanocrystalline semiconductors (also known as quantum dots, QDs) where quantum size effects are responsible for a change in the electronic structure in the nanocrystals as a function of particle size. The incorporation of optically active dopants into quantum dots and nanocrystals will be discussed. Doping luminescent lanthanide ions in quantum dots give further control over the optical properties and to test theoretical models, e.g. on the influence of refractive index on optical properties. Incorporation is however not trivial. Several classes of lanthanide doped nanocrystals will be discussed, including II-VI semiconductors like CdSe, CaS and SrS nanocrystals and LaPO4insulators. Nanocrystals doped with luminescent lanthanides are promising e.g. in the field of bio-medical, also using afterglow or upconversion nanocrystals, and efficient solar cells.