
发布日期:2010-10-26 作者:null    编辑:    来源:beat365中国唯一官方网站站乐娱城官网

美国阿拉巴马大学Claudia K. A. Mewes 博士将来校访问并作报告。



报告题目:Multiscale modeling for spintronics

Dr. Claudia K.A. Mewes, assistant professor of department of Physics and Astronomy and Center for Materials for Information Technology (MINT) of UA. PhD from University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. Postdoc in the Ohio State University. Her research is on invention of new materials with high spin polarization for future spintronics, investigation and optimization of the intrinsic damping and magneto-crystalline anisotropy of spintronic materials, spin transport and magnetization dynamics in realistic device structures, and Spinlogic.