
发布日期:2011-08-27 作者:null    编辑:    来源:beat365中国唯一官方网站站乐娱城官网

应学院李建功教授邀请,丹麦Risoe国家实验室材料研究部Senior scientist、丹麦-中国纳米材料中心主任黄晓旭教授将来我校访问讲学,敬请关注!



题目:报告1:Development of characterization techniques for materials

报告2:Optimization of structure and properties of nanostructured metals


(1) Progress of materials science relies on the development of new characterization techniques and new understanding of the structure-property relationships. Over the last decades, global wide effects have been made to develop techniques for 2D and 3D mapping of crystallographic orientation, which is the most important parameter determining the behavior of plastic deformation and phase transformation of both conventional coarse-grained and nanocrystalline materials. In this presentation, the orientation measurement techniques developed at Riso DTU based on X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction is introduced.

(2) The 3D characterization examples are given to demonstrate how detailed characterization of the structural parameters has led to (i) new understanding of the strengthening mechanisms and the flow instabilities in nanostructured metals, (ii) new finding of unusual mechanical behaviors such as annealing-induced hardening and deformation-induced softening, and (iii) new suggestion of strategies for structure and property optimization.


黄晓旭教授于1984年在重庆大学材料与冶金系获得学士学位,1995年在哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程系获得博士学位,1995年至今在丹麦Risoe国家实验室材料研究部工作,任Senior scientist、丹麦-中国纳米材料中心主任。他在塑性变形与位错结构、纳米金属及强化机制、相变与微结构控制、TEM技术的开发及应用研究中取得一系列高水平研究成果,先后发表学术论文160多篇,其中Science4篇、Nature1篇、Proc. Royal Soc. A2篇。