理论物理交流平台系列报告——法国尼斯大学Ulrich Kuhl教授

发布日期:2018-07-08 作者:null    编辑:    来源:beat365中国唯一官方网站站乐娱城官网

应BARBARA教授邀请,法国尼斯大学Ulrich Kuhl教授到访我院并做学术报告。欢迎届时参加!

题目:Focusing inside Disordered Media with the Generalized Wigner-Smith Operator




We introduce a wavefront shaping protocol for focusing inside disordered media based on a generalization of the established Wigner-Smith

time-delay operator. The key ingredient for our approach is the scattering (or transmission) matrix of the medium and its derivative

with respect to the position of the target one aims to focus on. A specific experimental realization in the microwave regime is presented

showing that the eigenstates of a corresponding operator are sorted by their focusing strength ranging from strongly focusing on the designated target to completely bypassing it. Our protocol works without optimization or phase-conjugation and we expect it to be particularly attractive for optical imaging in disordered media.