理论物理交流平台系列报告——Astrid N. Hiller Blin博士

发布日期:2018-07-16 作者:null    编辑:    来源:beat365中国唯一官方网站站乐娱城官网

应beat365中国唯一官方网站站乐娱城官网孙志峰副教授邀请,Astrid N. Hiller Blin博士将到访我院并作学术报告。欢迎广大师生届时参加!


Prospects for pentaquark searches in photoproduction




In 2015, the LHCb has reported two resonance-like structures in the J/psi p invariant masses, compatible with hidden-charm pentaquarks. Thereafter, several works have proposed the search and study of these resonances in J/psi p photoproduction, which would provide a confirmation of the resonant nature of the structures. In this talk, I give an overview on the theoretical and experimental status to this endeavour.

The feasibility of detecting the pentaquarks is discussed, e.g. in the measurements that have been approved for the several Halls at JLab. Theoretical studies are introduced, which give estimates to the sensitivity of the signal for different observables and angular settings, and are based on global fits to world J/psi photoproduction data. I show the results of ongoing experiments and theoretical studies made, and comment on those planned in the near future.


Astrid Nathalie Hiller Blin did her Master degree in Tübingen, Germany, and her PhD in Valencia, Spain, focusing on baryon chiral perturbation theory. In that frame, she studied the electromagnetic properties and interactions of light and heavy baryons. Currently, she has a Postdoc position in Mainz, Germany, in the group of Prof. Vanderhaeghen. There, she is studying deuteron polarizabilities in a relativistic framework, as well as proton structure functions in the low and high-energy regimes.