题目:Uniform Asymptotic Approximation and Its Applications to Physics
报告题目:Uniform Asymptotic Approximation and its applications to physics
The second-order ordinary differential equation (sODE) has been involved in a lot of branches of theoretical physics, and the Jeffreys-Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (JWKB) method is one of the most powerful approximation to this type of equation with great success. However, the validity of the JWKB method has to be restricted to the region where the JWKB condition (or adiabatic condition) is fulfilled. Recently, we developed a powerful and effective method, the uniform asymptotic approximation, to accurately construct analytical solutions of sODE. The most remarkable feature of this method is that it provides a systematic and error controlled treatment to regions where the adiabatic condition is violated, and goes over to the JWKB approximations when the adiabatic condition is restored. In this talk we are going to provide a brief introduction about the uniform asymptotic approximation and its recent applications to several problems in quantum mechanics, black hole physics, and cosmology.
朱涛简历: 浙江工业大学理学院副教授。2010年6月毕业于beat365中国唯一官方网站理论物理研究所,曾任美国贝勒大学 CASPER研究中心助理研究教授(2013.01-2018.01),浙江工业大学讲师(2010.07-2012.08),副教授(2012.09-至今)。目前主要研究兴趣包括:(1)早期宇宙中的量子引力效应及其可观测性;(2)黑洞背景下量子微扰场中的非绝热效应等。截止目前已在Phys. Rev. D, JCAP, JHEP等物理学著名期刊发表研究论文近50篇。