
发布日期:2018-05-10 作者:null    编辑:    来源:beat365中国唯一官方网站站乐娱城官网


Title:Strong magneto-optical response in quantum-classical hybrid systems

Time:May 14,Monday,10:30am

Location:Room 5004,Physcis buiding


The magneto-optical effect breaks time-reversal symmetry, a unique property that makes it indispensable in nonreciprocal optics and topological photonics. Unfortunately, all natural materials have a rather weak magneto-optical response in the optical frequency range, posing a significant challenge to the practical application of many emerging device concepts. Here we theoretically propose a composite material system that exhibits an intrinsic magneto-optical response orders of magnitude stronger than most magneto-optical materials used today. This is achieved by tailoring the resonant interplay between the quantum electrodynamics of electronic transitions in two-level systems and the classical electromagnetic response of local plasmon resonance.


Dr. Lei Ying is a research associate in Electrical & Computer Engineering at University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received B. S. degree in physics from Lanzhou University in 2010 and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Arizona State University in 2016. His research interests are nanophotonics, quantum optics, plasmonics, single photon detection, quantum transport, etc. He published more than 20 papers including Physical Review series, Nature Communication, etc.