题目:A new effective gauge field theory of quantum spin liquids
Effective gauge theories based on slave particle construction are widely used in the study of strongly correlated electron systems such as the quantum spin liquids, high-Tc superconductors, and fractional quantum Hall systems, in which emergent gauge field and fractionalized excitations play a central role in the low energy physics. A long standing issue in such effective gauge theories is the fate of the slave particle in the background of strongly fluctuating gauge field and the relation between the slave particles and the physical fractionalized excitations. Here I show that the conventional Gaussian effective gauge theory of the quantum spin liquids is unreliable. In particular, the T^{2/3} specific heat anomaly predicted by the Gaussian effective gauge theory for a gapless U(1) spin liquid with a large spinon Fermi surface is actually an artifact of the Gaussian approximation. A new approach to derive the correct low energy effective theory of the quantum spin liquids is established, which will find broad application in the study of other strongly correlated electron systems. At the same time, an unified mechanism for spin fractionalization in one and two dimensional spin liquids is proposed based on projective construction of fractionalized excitations.