题目:Toward advanced spintronic IoT devices
Internet of Things (IoT) has been considered as the next industry revolution.Current IoT platforms are normally based on external power supply orbatteries. In this talk, Prof. Liu will propose a novel IoT platform based onspintronics. The platform consists of self-independent power supply forwearable sensing, computing, and communication based on micro electromechanical systems (MEMS), and spintronic logic gate with extremely lowpower consumption. He will demonstrate a flexible MEMS that can collectthe energy of sound1 . He will also demonstrate a spintronic logic gate basedon electric field modulated motion of magnetic skyrmions2
1.Stress‐Induced Domain Wall Motion in FeCo‐Based Magnetic Microwires for Realization ofEnergy Harvesting, Adv. Electron. Mater. 1800467; 16 November (2018);
2.Switching domain wall motion on and off using a gate voltage for domain wall transistorapplications, Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 232401 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5053852
刘小晰博士,1971年10月出生,现任日本信州大学教授,信州大学自旋电子器件研究中心主任,IEEE磁学学会Shin-etsu分会主席。刘小晰教授主要从事磁性纳米薄膜,光刻纳米自旋电子器件,纳米微粒的制备、表征、结晶结构与特性的研究,近期的研究主要集中于自旋电子学和微磁学方向。刘小晰教授致力于培养优秀的博士,他培养的博士生在日本特许厅、美国Intel、日本Tokyo Electron公司等国际知名的公司和机构从事研究工作。