
发布日期:2018-11-02 作者:    编辑:ceshi    来源:


题目:Relativistic bound state structure on the light-front




First I will introduce the quantum field theory quantized on the “light-front”, a 3-dimensional surface in the 4-dimensional spacetime and explain its advantages in describing the structure of relativistic bound states. Then I will introduce “Basis Light-front Quantization”, a nonperturbative method calculating bound state structure and mass spectrum based on light-front quantum field theory. Next I will demonstrate this method through applications to the positronium system in QED and the baryon system in QCD. For the positronium system I will present the resulting mass spectrum and light-front wavefunctions and for the baryon system I will show the observables charac


赵行波,中科院近物所研究员。2010年获得美国德州农工大学(Texas A&M University) 物理学博士学位,2010-2015年为美国爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University) 物理学博士后。研究方向为量子场论, 量子色动力学(QCD), 量子电动力学(QED), 量子场论中的非微扰方法,量子场论中的光前(Light-front)哈密顿量(Hamiltonian)方法,夸克-胶子等离子体(Quark-Gluon Plasma)中重味夸克偶素(Heavy-quarkonium)的性质,重离子碰撞中重味夸克偶素的产生。已在国际重要刊物上发表多篇学术论文。