题目:First-principles study of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction
The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction (DMI) between spins induced by spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in magnetic materials lacking inversion symmetry and in particular at the interface between ferromagnetic (FM) and heavy nonmagnetic (NM) metals has become recently a subject of tremendous interest for both fundamental research and applications. This is because the DMI is recognized to play the most prominent role for creating topologically non-trivial textures called magnetic Skyrmion which is very attractive for ultra-dense information storage and spintronic devices. Furthermore, DMI plays an essential role for fast domain wall (DW) dynamics driven by spin-orbit torques. It has been shown that the DW velocity strongly depends on the relative parameters of exchange coupling, magnetic anisotropy and the DMI. Thus, much attention has been paid on searching efficient material combinations giving rise to large DMI values at FM/NM interfaces.
Our recent study of DMI at Co/Pt interfaces [1] has unveiled the main features and microscopic mechanisms of DMI in FM/NM bilayers. We found that the large anticlockwise (ACW) DMI of the Co/Pt bilayers has a predominant contribution from pair couplings between the spins of the interfacial Co layer. This DMI between the interface Co spins is directly related to the change of the SOC energy in the interface Pt atoms, demonstrating the picture of Fert-Levy type interfacial DMI from first-principles.
Based on the understanding of the DMI mechanism at FM/NM interfaces [1], we propose several approaches to control the DMI in ultrathin magnetic films and enhance its amplitude. First, the DMI can be enlarged via multilayer stacking of FM and NM metals possessing the required DMI chiralities in corresponding FM/NM bilayers. Next approach is adding an oxidized capping layer, such as MgO, on top of a Co/Pt bilayer. We show that the DMI in MgO/Co/Pt is much larger, about 1.6 times, compared to that in Co/Pt bilayers for all the Co thicknesses considered. [2]
Moreover, we explore the possibility of electric field control of DMI in Oxide/FM/NM structures. [3]
Finally, I’ll report the Rashba effect induced interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction at graphene /FM interfaces , which is beyond Fert-Levy type DMI, opening a route creating Skyrmions without heavy metals[4].
[1] H. X. Yang, et al. Physical Review Letters 115, 267210 (2015).
[2] O. Boulle, H. X. Yang et al. Nature Nanotech. 11, 449-454 (2016)
[3] H Yang, O Boulle, V Cros, A Fert, M Chshiev, arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.01847
[4] H. Yang, G. Chen, A. A.C. Cotta, A. T. N'Diaye, S. A. Nikolaev, E. A. Soares, W. A. A. Macedo, A. K. Schmid, A. Fert, M. Chshiev, Nature Materials 17,604(2018)
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