报告题目:Electric-field controlled magnetization and the application of high-throughput screening in materials genome initiative
In the first part of my talk, I will talk about the electric-field controlled magnetic easy axis and coercivity in Co/BiFeO3 heterostructure. We demonstrated that the magnetic easy axis direction and the coercivity of Co layer can be reversibly controlled by an E-field applied to BiFeO3 layer. These results suggest a pathway to integrating BFO-based devices on Si wafers for implementing low power consumption and non-volatile magnetoelectronic devices.
In the second part of my talk, I’ll review the application of high-throughput fabrication and characterization and of machine learning in materials research. We have systematically developed a platform for materials genome initiative from high-throughput fabrication, characterization to big data processing. As an example, we have tested the application of this platform in search for rare-earth-free permanent magnets, and found our platform is very high efficient for searching new functional materials.
美国马里兰大学研究人员(Research Scientist)。2006年博士毕业于复旦大学物理系;2006年至2010年间,分别于日本丰田工业大学、法国国家研究中心、法国原子能机构及法国巴黎第十一大学做博士后和研究工程师研究;自2010年8月至今工作于美国马里兰大学,期间也是美国NIST和Ames实验室的客座研究人员。其研究主要集中在磁学和磁性材料领域,包括磁性多层膜之间耦合、自旋电子学以及永磁材料。最近几年,在材料基因组方面也做了大量的工作,涉及到高通量方法论,机器学习等。研究成果在Physical Review Letters、Nano Letters,Physical Review B (R)等国际顶刊杂志上发表,同时也是Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Applied Physical Letters等多种杂志的特邀审稿人。