
发布日期:2017-07-03 作者:null    编辑:    来源:beat365中国唯一官方网站站乐娱城官网




讲座题目:Numerical Relativity, Gravitational wave form models and Gravitational Wave detection

讲座摘要:LIGO has anounced three detected gravitational wave events and one to be confirmed event. All four sources are binary black hole systems. In order to support the state of art gravitational wave data analysis technique, matched filtering, people need gravitational wave form models. Aided with proper gravitational wave form model, the detection ability of gravitational wave will be strongly enhanced. And more, the gravitational wave form model provids us the necessary condition to extract the information of the gravitational wave source. Currently, the most matured gravitational wave form models are the ones for binary black hole. Among the models for binary black hole, the most complete ones include the EOBNR model and the Phenom model. In this talk I will review these two models and discuss related problems.
