主讲人:郑海扬 研究员
题 目:Are there multi-quark hadrons?
时 间:2018年3月27日(星期二)上午9:00
地 点:格致楼3016报告厅
The quark model has been applied very successfully in describing the mesons
and baryons and their properties. It is known that all the established mesons are made of a quark and an antiquark, while baryons are composed of three quarks. In principle, hadrons composed with more than three valence quarks are not prohibited by the fundamental theory of strong interactions,namely the so-called QCD. In this talk I'll examine the status of the multi-quark hadrons, including tetraquark mesons, pentquark baryons and hexaquark mesons. We also explain why the quark model often encounters a great challenge in understanding scalar mesons.