beat365中国唯一官方网站站乐娱城官网“格致·勤学”论坛第二期:Celso Grebogi教授

发布日期:2018-03-20 作者:null    编辑:    来源:beat365中国唯一官方网站站乐娱城官网

应beat365中国唯一官方网站、理论物理交流平台和萃英学院邀请,英国阿伯丁大学Celso Grebogi教授将做客“格致·勤学”论坛第二期。欢迎广大师生届时参加!

主讲人:Celso Grebogi 教授

题 目:Big Data: New Age of Nonlinear and Complex Systems

时 间:2018年3月23日(星期五)下午4:30

地 点:榆中校区天山堂A108


I will initially touch on some basic ideas in Artificial Intelligence, Brain-Computer Interface and Big Data, and their applications. I will argue that artificial intelligence is understood when computers emulate cognitive functions associated with human mind, while brain-computer interface is a technology that allows a human to control peripheral devices with thought. Big data, on one hand, refers to data sets that are so voluminous that require hardware with larger capacity and more capable data processing software. But on the other hand, often big data does not mean a lot of data, especially in scientific and technological applications, as the volume of available data from experiments or observations are small. Big data, in this case, refers to the ability to understand, analyse, make predictions and even to control the system, based on software methods and techniques to handle small data sets. One such powerful method developed by us recently – see references below – is compressive sensing. It enables us to deal with the reverse engineering, systems identification, or inverse problem in complex nonlinear dynamical systems and complex networks. Our ideas based on compressive sensing, in combination with innovative approaches, generates a new paradigm that offers the possibility to address the fundamental inverse problem in complex nonlinear dynamics and networks. In particular, in this talk, I will argue that evolutionary games model, a common type of interactions in a variety of complex, networked, natural systems and social systems, allows us to reconstruct the social network from small amounts of data.


Celso Grebogi教授是国际著名非线性动力学专家,任阿伯丁大学复杂系统和生物数学研究中心主任,为该校“六世纪”讲座教授。Grebogi教授是美国物理协会会士(1991),巴西科学院院士(2002),第三世界院士(2004),是国际物理和控制协会的荣誉会员(2009)。2012年当选为爱丁堡皇家学会会士,并被聘为beat365中国唯一官方网站荣誉教授。发表SCI论文400余篇,引用34000次,H因子83。2016年获得了汤森路透引文桂冠奖。Grebogi教授是阿伯丁大学、beat365中国唯一官方网站与亚利桑那州立大学计算与复杂性联合研究中心的共同创始人。